Atypical & Awesome “Not Dead, Now What?”

I was pretty sure I wouldn’t make it to thirty. I mean, like verifiably and reasonably convinced I would not. I was diagnosed with a very rare form of a very rare disease in my mid-twenties. Current research at the time put me at a seven year mortality. Honestly, the way I felt back then on a daily basis seemed to validate this- I wasn’t going to make it. Well, a whole lotta stuff happened including leaving an oppressive marriage after thirteen years and taking the kids and moving back home with my parents for five years. On Monday, I will be 47. I would have never in a million years thought I would have made it this far- but here I am. Through the grace of God and only through the grace of God, here I am. Now what? I have some big decisions to make about my future. It is frustrating, scary, and a little exciting all at once. Please pray- if you are the praying type that I make the right decisions. Nothing in my life has ever been “simple” so these decisions and the paths I must choose are not simple- I mean, why would they be. I’m nothing, if not “atypical”. Stay tuned- the journey continues.


Atypical & Awesome “Anniversary”


Atypical & Awesome “Crossroads”