Atypical & Awesome “All is Calm”

Saffy and I are up and the house is still. The children and Philllip are off this week so they are sleeping in. I have a fresh pot of peppermint mocha and I plugged in the pretty lights. Today is my last work day before a four day Christmas break. I feel like I have returned from battle. This last season has been tough. Lots of good things but some real challenges, too. Working in mental health is rewarding but hard. Really hard. This year (really the past few years) has been exceptionally difficult. Kids (which I work with) are struggling. Families are struggling. The world is struggling. I am grateful for each and every victory- however, small. I’m praying we can get back to a place of compassion and patience with each other. Life is overwhelming at times, love is what will get us through. If I haven’t told you lately- you are loved and you are valued. May your days be merry aand bright and if they aren’t may the peace of the season be with you always.


Atypical & Awesome “Most Magical”


Atypical & Awesome “More than An Average Monday”