Atypical & Awesome “Sands in an Hourglass”
It’s been another big week ‘round these parts. Reagan started Middle School, Michael is a Senior this year, Conner goes back to college next week to finish up his senior year, and Autumn is working her big remote NYC job. Life keeps on moving. Phillip and I are still grinding in our jobs and we stay busy but content. Sapphire crashed a few zoom meetings and I started a new major writing project. Not a bad week. We went out to dinner last night as a family and then Phillip and I stopped in to see Alice Nelson, my cowriting cohort, perform ar Cafe Roma. It really is overwhelming how blessed I am sometimes. I’m where I’ve always wanted to be- at peace and happy with a family I love and who loves me. Things aren’t perfect and we have our struggles but we are so incredibly blessed. I don’t take a minute for granted. Have a wonderful weekend- I’m headed out to the farmer’s market this morning!