Atypical & Awesome “Open-Mics”

This girl is worn out. I had 8 hours of intense training ar my day gig today and two more days this week. I did not sleep well last night so today kicked my tail. But, I’m gonna work on some school work then hit the sack,

I do want to give props to a couple of events though. Monday night, I attended the Writer’s open-mic night at Bugsy’s hosted by Darrell Qualls. The turn-out was good and I enjoyed seeing friends old and new. One day soon, I plan to do a few of my own originals. It’s way past time. Speaking of open-mics, Happy Times in Ozark will be doing theirs tomorrow night and Hoobler music in Enterprise will be doing their’s this Saturday night. Lots of opportunities locally to try out a few originals. I highly encourage all songwriters to get involved in the local writing community and open-mics are a great networking opportunity. See you at the mic!


Atypical & Awesome “Nirvana with a Hint of Cranberry “


Atypical & Awesome “Heart Happy”