Atypical & Awesome “Independence”

So, I wasn’t feeling very inspired the past few days. In fact, I haven’t felt well and Phillip has been out of town. Today was a tough day at work and wore me down in many ways. But something happened today. It may be hard to explain or to understand but my birdies are getting wings. Conner packed up and went to stay with my parents a few days. He needed a few days away as our home-while wonderful, is a little overwhelming at times. Conner will be 21 next month. He has never just up and gone to stay with my parents by himself. He is going to be helping them with some things around their home that are a little hard for them to do these days. Plus, he cut his own hair the other day and it looks great. You would have to know Conner for any of this to make sense but I was floored. Michael- the 17 year old introvert drove an hour away to hang out with friends and has been gone 12 hours and counting. This completely blows my mind but I’m glad he is getting out. Autumn (22) and Reagsn (12) have the sweetest bond. They literally just left at 9:30 pm at night to go get milkshakes from Sonic to celebrate the Strawberry Moon. Autumn has been applying for jobs and helping me out tremendously with Reagan and keeping the household running. She is amazing. Somewhere among all our busyness, the kids are all growing into their own independent lives. I guess that is all a parent could ever really want. Damn, it happened fast.


Atypical & Awesome “I Carried a Watermelon”


Atypical & Awesome “Father’s Day”