Blue Plate Blog Episode 19- “Frustration, Realm of Control, and Rainbows”

Entrée: Today, I am frustrated. I am frustrated and feel as though I am on hamster wheel going nowhere, sometimes. The thing about it is this isn’t new. I remind myself that periods of feeling “stuck” are almost always a precursor to times of great creativity, flow, and productivity. I have been writing so much lately. Tons. I forget that sometimes. When I don’t have a blue ribbon on my shirt or a trophy on my shelf it is hard to feel “successful.” I have been chasing this crazy songwriting dream for fourteen years. I have had many cuts but no “hits”. I am not a well-known writer. I strive and work and strive and work. It is a heartbreaking pursuit. So why not stop? I can’t. I’ve tried. It is as much a part of me as my erratic heartbeat. 

First side: There is a term used often in the mental health profession called, “realm of control”. It has to do with understanding what one has control of in a situation. I use this often when working with clients. In my current situation- what do I have control of? I have control of my attitude, yes. But are there other things I can do to get me closer to my ultimate goal? I am a big believer in having a plan of action. A plan of action brings forth a sense of control and a sense of control often brings forth productivity which begets more control. 

Second side: Now, that we are getting closer to understanding the frustration and control components of my current mood now it is time to set goals. I am an avid believer in setting both long-term and short-term goals. My short-term goals today have been to book some cowrites this week so I can write many of the hooks which have presented themselves to me today. This makes me feel productive, which feeds into my sense of control, which reduces my frustration as I feel movement towards the ultimate goal. Again. See how this works? 

Dessert: Queen Dolly says, “If you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain.” Writers have a lot of rain. It was cloudy in my world this morning but the sun is starting to break through.

Until next time- order’s up!





Blue Plate Blog Episode 20- Dinner edition


Blue Plate Blog Episode 18-“Gypsies, Drama, Reality TV”