Atypical & Awesome “Nashville-Tuesday”

Tuesday began with Phillip and I checking out of our hotel and heading to the Nashville Sign to see Alice’s billboard. Due to some “rearranging”, we learned her sign would not go live until that afternoon. Instead, I accompanied Alice to an interview with Will Nunziata on Fenix. You can check via the link posted below. Also, due to some “rearranging” her single release party had been moved to Tuesday so due to our work schedules we could not attend. However, we are supporting the single release every way we can otherwise. We are so glad we got to attend the Commodore Show, the interviews, and have great pics of the sign and party thanks to Alice and her parents. This is truly just the beginning. We have a lot of work ahead of us but I’ve never been afraid of hard work. What we need you to do is to stream the heck out of “Girlfriend” and send us e-mail addresses of your local radio stations along with their contact info. Together we can push this song to radio which can open even more doors for Alice. We sure do appreciate every one of you!


Atypical & Awesome “Open-Mic and Day Off”


Atypical & Awesome “Nashville- Monday”