Atypical & Awesome “A Very Good Friday, Indeed”
I am so glad to be off from the day gig today- whew! So, on our way to the train station last week, I had a tooth break. Fortunately, it didn’t hurt and I made it through vacation without further issues. However, when we got back, while eating dinner Monday night, a different tooth fell completely out without warning. I looked like I belonged on Hee-Haw! Thanks to my compassionate new dentist, I have a brand new temporary tooth until I can get a more long-term solution in early May. It looks amazing- thank you, Easter Bunny- quack, quack!
Speaking of Easter, today is Good Friday so I’ll take some time to reflect on the meaning of today. In my opinion, the greatest way to show appreciation for grace is to extend grace to others. That’s how I plan to celebrate this weekend. Also, I’m gonna make a cake. Robin eggs may be involved. Hmmm..,
Now to pour another cup of coffee and finish watching the Brooke Shields movie on hulu I started. Grad school work later. Maybe some writing. Have a wonderful day everyone!