Atypical & Awesome “Winter Solstice “

Happy Winter Solstice! It is cold and rainy here so I made a yummy, warm dinner with help from Autumn: braised pork loin, roasted poblano mac and cheese, Hawaiian rolls, and red velvet bundt cake for dessert. I spent the evening in my recliner with Sapphire in my lap watching one of my favorite songwriters perform a FB live performance. For the introverts of the world like me who have limited social energy, FB live shows are a godsend. No crowds, no smoking, and no standing on my feet. Yay. Lol. I’m including a link to some Christmas songs I tried to post the other day. Some cowritten, some solo writes- enjoy and let me know your favorites. Merry Christmas Week!


Atypical & Awesome “Merry Christmas Eve”


Atypical & Awesome “Christmas Fog”