Atypical & Awesome “Gearing Up”

We have a BIG week ahead and are just a few days away from a quick trip to Nashville. We’ll be picking up Autumn from the airport but plan to get out and catch a show or two while in town. Also, have to send out props to Tianna Woods on the success of “Country Girls Rock” which already has over 57,000 streams. I’m honored to be a publisher on this one!

We’ve had a busy and fun weekend filled with family adventures and responsibilities. Phillip, Michael, and I had a lot of fun at the Alice in Wonderland Cluedupp Adventure. I was seriously impressed by some iof the costumes. In all, 100 teams competed so it was a great success! We watched football and Christmas movies and I worked on grad school work last night. I had to interview my mother for one of my classes so Alex and I ventured over to my parents’ this afternoon. Oh, and I also sang in church in the chancel choir this morning. Have I mentioned how much I love singing Christmas music? Really hope I can make it out to dome open-mics this month to perform some of my favorites. One thing about it, I’m super busy which means this month will fly by!


Atypical & Awesome “Good Night and the Eve of Good Things to Come”


Atypical & Awesome “Rabbit Hole”